Day 32: Why financial intelligence is important

Day 4 of my 35 Day Challenge

Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had a million bucks ? Me too. Unfortunately i haven’t been born into a rich family, i’m not even sure if you could count my family to middle class.
So since i’ve been a little girl i wanted to get rich. But i was lacking financial intelligence. My parents never taught me how to be financial intelligent, neither did the school. And how could i blame my parents, when no one ever taught them either.
At least i was a bit better at handling money, than my parents were, when they were children. When i started school, my parents gave me 50 cent each week as pocket money for myself. Each school year i would get a 50 cent raise. So 50, 1€, 1,50€ and so on. But instead of spending it on candy like my parents did, i was saving. I was saving for a Videorecorder. I saved 95% of my pocket money for over 4 years. And all the money i got from family at Birthdays, Christmas and other occasions. I rarely bought myself anything. Which was not that hard, because i would get enough sweets to last me the whole year on my Birthdays.
I guess my parents didn’t have that luxury, when they were children and that’s why they spent their money on candy.
Back then i wanted that Videorecorder, so i could make movies and get rich. I wrote a horrible script and even casted my whole class, to get some halfway good actors to participate in my play. Of course that didn’t work out. I mean we were 11 at the time and everyone wanted to play one of the lead characters. And except me no one in my class has played theater before. My script wasn’t realistic either, you would have needed a whole team for the special effects alone.
If i would have known then what i know now i would have invested my money and i would be a lot richer by now.
Financial intelligence is something everyone should teach themselves in, in my opinion. I’m teaching it myself right now and i will share it with you guys. It will be interesting to see how it all works out in the future.
I think one reason, why a lot of countries are in debt, is that the people and politicians in charge aren’t thinking very financially intelligent. That might be also the reason why people, who won the lottery, usually go broke or back to the way they were before that within a short period of time. Because even if you get rich quick you will loose it all without financial intelligence.
It’s a little bit like the game monopoly. If you understand the game you will win.
Nowadays i don’t wan’t to be rich in the way i wanted it as a child. I want to be financial independent. I want to have enough money to do everything i want and i want to have it as a passive income, so that i don’t have to work anymore if i don’t want to. Not working for me means to be able to do all the things i like, whenever i want. To go traveling, doing art, doing photography and what not. Having the time to spend with your family.
Why should you do a job that you hate, if you can live a better life being financial independent? Financial independence also gives me the opportunity to try out every job i like. If money is not the issue anymore, if you don’t have to worry where the next check is coming from, if you know that you can care for your family and yourself, what would you do ?
For me it’s not about buying that nice car or living in a mansion, for me it’s about the freedom it gives me. The freedom of doing what ever i want and trying out what ever i want, without worrying if i will earn enough. It’s about the freedom to live my life the fullest and do all the things on my bucket list.
When you are financial intelligent you know how to make your money work for you, you know how to generate passive income, you know how to get your taxes back, you know how to invest, you know how to spend your money so that you get the most out of it. Without financial intelligence you loose money. That’s why everyone should educate themselves about this topic. Even if it seems boring sometimes. But guess how exciting it will get, when you see more money in your account.
So stay tuned for more posts about how to enhance your financial knowledge!

Thanks for reading!

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