Day 30: 20+ things to get on top of your finances

Day 6 of my 35 Day Challenge

Over the past few month i got really into finances. So i thought i should share  a few things that i’ve learned with you guys. I will write posts about every point, where i will go into detail and explain further what i’ve learned. 

So here is a few things i’ve learned so far: 

  • teach yourself to be financial intelligent, because school won’t
  • going to school, studying and getting a job won’t be enough to get you rich anymore
  • simply saving won’t make you rich, because of inflation
  • start saving and investing as early as possible
  • build an investment portfolio with different kind of investments like stocks, bonds, funds, ETF’s, real estate etc. 
  • don’t act on emotions if you make decisions in finance
  • don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  • don’t buy when everyone is buying, don’t sell when everyone is selling
  • renting can be better than owning a house / apartment, if you invest the saved money wisely instead
  • make financial goals for yourself
  • get out of the rat race by saving and investing 
  • always live below your means
  • invest in a way that generates interest for you
  • work smart instead of just working hard and always seize opportunities without procrastinating 
  • connections are everything, in life and in finance
  • index funds outperform actively managed funds in the long run
  • choose the cheapest index fund
  • hold your shares for as long as possible
  • a passive investor is usually better of than a active one
  • Information is key , do your homework
  • Read everything you can get your hands on about finances

So stay tuned for more posts about stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, taxes, P2P investments and more!

Thanks for reading <3

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